
 BSI legt Grundstein für Prüfungen gemäß IT-Sicherheitsgesetz

Betreiber kritischer Infrastruktur müssen sich zukünftig regelmäßig prüfen lassen und dabei...

 Check SSL security, installation and configuration

Feel free to use the collection of SSL tools we are providing to check your SSL configuration and...

 Decrypting SSL traffic with tshark (private key required)

Sample: #!/bin/bash tshark -f "tcp port 80" -Y 'http.request || http.response' #OR (for...

 Does InterSSL deliver SSL certificates for ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) and ECDSA ?

Yes, all SSL certificates from SECTIGO (formerly COMODO) also support ECC (Elliptic Curve...

 How can i verify my SSL certification?

Please use the tools from our SSL Tools site which offer you all kinds of SSL checker tools for...

 IIS 7 7.5 8 Hardening SSL TLS - Windows Server 2008 R2 2012 R2 DISABLE SSL V2/3 POODLE BEAST - NARTAC IIS Crypto

(Free) IIS Crypto Tool for fast SSL cipher configuration under...

 OCSP must-staple / tlsfeature status_request / OID

OCSP must-staple wird z.B. von SECTIGO bzw. PositiveSL unterstützt. Sie müssen das Feature jedoch...

 PCI Compliance (Payment Card Industry Compliance

PCI stands for Payment Card Industry, data security standard and is defined by the PCI Security...

 Perfect Forward Secrecy - Apache SSL/TLS Strong Encryption How-To

TL;DR: edit /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ssl.conf and specify ciphers like this: # enable only...

 Postfix TLS 1.3 and Perfect Forward Secrecy configuration

Settings for /etc/postfix/ # TLS parameters smtpd_tls_cert_file =...

 Secure dovecot TLS and SSL configuration

Settings for /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf:  ssl = required #the .pem file is .crt appended...

 What is PRE-SIGN FAILED? What is a CAA record? - DNS Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Resource Record

The Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) DNS Resource Record allows a DNS domain name...

 Why SHA-1 based SSL certificates should NOT be used anymore. Revoke old SHA-1 based certificates and get free SHA-2 ones! Here is why ...

All SSL certificates delivered by us are SHA-2 based by default since November 2014. Multiple...

 PDF Dokumente mit Adobe Acrobat signieren (SMIME, S/MIME), qualifizierte digitale Signatur (eSignatur, eSignaturen, eIDAS)

Um in Adobe Acrobat eine Signatur zu platzieren, klicken Sie auf Anzeige -> Werkzeuge ->...

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